educator designer presenter author coach

Nicki Hambleton

Big Data and Inforgraphics sketchnote telling your data story through visual literacy

I am passionate about the power of visuals to educate, communicate, inform and persuade, and their impact on memory and engagement.

I am an educator, graphic designer, visual note-maker, author, presenter and mentor, working with students, teachers, schools and diverse organisations globally.

Following 31 years teaching in the UK, Italy, Ghana and Singapore, I am currently based in the UK and able to work with you face to face or virtually depending on your needs. I am fascinated by neuroscience and constantly learning more about visual communication and creative thinking.

My journey from designer to educator to solopreneur

What clients are saying

  • I was getting 3's (out of 7) then I made visual flashcards on the topics I didn't know so well in Geography and I started getting 6's in my Internal exams.


  • I have found out about some very interesting study methods that I have never heard before, which is very valuable. Thank you!


  • Thank you for helping me improve my studying habits!


  • Using visuals within my revision was new to me and I was astounded at what a difference it made to my memory


  • I had been wanting to do a sketchnote session with Nicki for quite awhile now! Ready to take some risks and learn something new. I'm not going to use the excuse that I'm not 'artsy' enough to do this :)


  • I had no idea how to study before Nicki's course. If she hadn't reached out to us, I would have been distraught right now and back then revising.


  • Using those techniques using those study methods helped me because when I was in the exam, I was organising my answers and I could literally SEE the answers in my head. And I felt much more confident and I wasn't so nervous.


  • I now realise that making notes does not have to be pretty! It's about the process of writing and drawing that helps me to remember, using icons or diagrams, using colour and structuring my notes so I can easily understand them.


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