The benefits of a Learning Coach
Does your child need positive actionable strategies to help them learn effectively and confidently retain information?
I offer 1 : 1 and group mentoring in study strategies for ongoing learning, retrieval practice and pre-examination recall.
Together we break down complex concepts and synthesise key insights for deeper understanding using a range of visual and spatial techniques for organisation, planning and confidence.
Integrating research-backed approaches for greater success.
Transforming study habits with a Learning Coach
Research shows that ongoing strategies such as retrieval and spaced practice really make a difference to knowledge acquisition and long term memory.
I work with your child to start their ongoing study habits early, rather than leaving it until a few weeks before the exams. We work together on strategies that make information clear and organised for better retention, whether preparing for exams or keeping up with revising learned knowledge from class. We work on creating effective notes and resources that really help memory.
Hand writing notes is a proven way to lock knowledge in rather than reading notes or typing on the computer.
What will students learn?
How to plan a weekly/monthly learning schedule
How to create and organise learning resources for recall
Creating note-taking strategies for in-class and home retrieval
Science-backed retrieval strategies for ongoing revision an retention
Developing consistent independent learning habits
How can a learning coach help?
I have over 30 years educational experience in the UK, Italy, Ghana and Singapore, working with diverse students. Whilst working at United World College of South East Asia I studied the most effective strategies for learning when researching my Masters’ in Education thesis:
“To what extent does the inclusion of visual representations and spatial approaches to note-making in retrieval practice affect recall?”
I offer several ways to work with your child, depending on their needs and preferences: 1:1 coaching; coaching with friends; and small group coaching.
1 : 1 Learning coach Package
(personal tailored support)
6x 1 hour weekly individualised strategy sessions
USD $900
1 : 3 Peer support Package
(bring 2 friends)
6x 1 hour strategy sessions learning with your peers
USD $720
Group Learning Cohort Package
(4-8 students - best value)
6x 1 hour strategy sessions learning with others
USD $600
Here’s what students, parents and teachers have to say…
Nicki’s genuine warmth and care shine through every interaction. My daughter looks forward to sessions with Nicki because she feels supported in developing study habits and plans that reduce feelings of anxiety. The co-construction process gives her a voice in deciding when and how to work on subjects that require review. Nicki has empowered my daughter with strategies and tools that she will use beyond high school into her life at university. She is a key component of my daughter’s success.
Mrs Hambleton has helped me a lot for my learning as I have learnt of new different and helpful ways for each subject to help me when I revise or make notes on . She has given me lots of confidence when I go into tests as I am more prepared for them . Whenever we work together and find ways to learn new structures for revision on certain subjects it is really beneficial for me as I use these techniques and will have them help me develop my retrieval on topics .
Nicki has been excellent for my son - providing him with different studying techniques and strategies for all subjects which has definitely helped him in school and given him more confidence.
I have noticed a significant improvement in his output both during lessons and in completing homework assignments. His dedication and hard work are truly paying off, and I'm pleased with his recent achievements.
English Teacher